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1Do you have a good grip?
Memory Training: Focus On Yourself And You Will Focus Your Memory Memory Training: Focus On Yourself And You Will Focus Your Memory May 27 Customized Detroit Tigers Jersey , 2013 | Author: Lachlan Haynes | Posted in Education
The difference between passing and failing can very often be all about what you can remember – not what you know. As a result, the focus on being able to remember lots of information is absolutely crucial to your success.

But how does our memory actually work? How come we can remember some information without any effort at all (often useless information like the names and theme songs of the cartoons we watched when we were children) yet often we when really want to remember certain things for tests or assignments we draw a blank?

The truth is, our memory works in precisely the manner that it is supposed to work. The real issue is that we have very little understanding (or no understanding at all) of the way it operates and how we can manipulate it to our advantage.

For one reason or another, we all seem to think that by constantly repeating information to ourselves we will imprint the information into our memory. This works occasionally, but it’s clearly not the best approach and it usually indicates that we don’t understand our memory at all.

So let’s spend some time getting to know our memory. The ability to access our powerful memory recall and make certain that we can remember everything we need to remember truly is the difference between getting an A or getting a C.

In this article we are going to look at one of many possible approaches you can use to improve your memory recall. It’s called the “What’s in it for me” approach. This approach tells us that the more you can tie something to yourself Detroit Tigers Jerseys , the better you will be able to remember it.

It’s a simple idea with a simple execution. Your memory will create more memory traces, which in turn increases your memory recall, when it knows that what you are trying to remember is important to you in some way. And how does it know that? Well, it’s when it’s all about you.

Therefore, when a bit of information or data is personally significant to you Willie Horton Tigers Jersey , your memory is far more likely to store that information for you (and the real kicker is that it will remember all the little details about it as well!)

Don’t believe me? Think about it. What things do you remember? Those things that have some direct impact on your life (like what time you need to meet your friends at the movies this weekend) or those things that have zero impact on your life (like your mom’s favorite ice cream flavor?) You remember those things, people, places, prices, products and details of anything that is going to impact your life in some way.

Now Victor Martinez Tigers Jersey , you don’t do this recall on a conscious basis, it just happens automatically. You simply called up the information and because it was important and relevant to you, it was easy to retrieve. However, the real question I’m sure you are wondering is how do we apply this rule of memory to our studies? Well, you simple need to think about how whatever you are trying to learn or remember relates to you and your life. Let’s look at some examples.

If you are learning about something like economic trends (yawn!) Nick Castellanos Tigers Jersey , imagine how those may impact on your ability to go and buy a new pair of jeans (i.e. your personal buying power as a consumer – yawn again!) Or perhaps think about how it may impact on your ability to get a high paying job after school.

What about learning about different cultures, beliefs and customs than yours? If you were to think about your own culture, beliefs and customs then you can easily compare the two to each other. Now, if you compare them to yourself you will remember them wont you?

If you are trying to remember names and dates just focus on how do these names and dates relate to you. Ask yourself, “Do I know anyone by those or similar names? Do I like the name for some reason or do I think it’s a weird name? Why is that? Did the people or dates that I have to remember ever impact my life in any way? Did anything happen on those dates that relates to me personally?”

The point is Miguel Cabrera Tigers Jersey , take what you need to learn and make it about you. Most people enjoy being self-centered anyway so just extend on your natural inclination! The more you make it all about you and relate it back to yourself the more easily you will build memory traces and improve your memory recall. Give it a try, it really works. Good luck.

HelpMeToStudy.org is the best online resource for learning new study skills, transforming your study habits and finding the best study tips available. We will help change the way you think about study – and even better – we will show you how to study effectively: How To Study Effectively | Memory Training


Winter is the greatest time to make definitive changes in your golf swing. Why? Because it warrants long-drawn-out intentional repetitions to teach your body to replace motions or patterns which you likely would not be interested to do during this period since you want to golf.

Most of the suggestions I will give away in this information will be applicable indoors. No ball wanted. Just your club and enough space to take swings without risking hitting your cat!

1Do you have a good grip?

Most professionals have a golf-club nearby at all times. After all, we should always fill dead time with something productive!. For example, when a boring commercial starts you can grab the golf-club i.
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